What’s the Perfect Pitch?
According to those attending the Hollywood Film Festival’s “Sell Your Story to Hollywood Buyers” weekend pitch sessions here in Hollywood, it’s darn hard to write.
Classic writers did a pretty good job of this sort of thing, though. The Roman poet Virgil’s opening three sentences of The Aeneid is a perfect pitch for his entire one hundred thirty page story. It begins with Cano, arma que virum que… “I sing of arms and of the hero who…”
Right away we know it’s a war story with a hero. An action-adventure genre. What else? Well, it’s all included in Virgil’s opening sentences, which you’ll read at the end of this article.
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1. Get over your paranoia about exposing your ideas.
I understand this one. After having written FADE OUT on my second screenplay, I took the original to the copy store and actually made the copy person sign a Non-Disclosure Agreement before I’d hand him my precious pages. Then I stood there and watched it being copied to be sure no one was reading it.
I’ve gotten over that.
In part by realizing that there are a number of Mythic Themes that we humans keep telling ourselves over and over, but in different styles for different eras.
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